Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How to End it All?

I can begin a story like the pros. I've come very close to mastering how to start right when the story begins. I can draw you in with imagery or a conversation, a character posing a question. This is great and I understand that for alot of writers where and how to start is the hardest part.

They sit there starring at the blank document with a Kanye West- like- frown watching the cursor blink, its taunting them. I usually don't have this problem when its time to begin a story I begin. I draw you in.

My problem dear reader is the ending. After my Hero has accepted their journey and passes the point of no return, after they have exposed the bad guy and kicked his butt ( or not ) what happens to my hero and companions? Do they go back to life as normal? Has their journey changed them so much that they can't? and how can we convey this to the reader?

How can we give a satisfying conclusion to a hopefully satisfying saga? How do we keep from getting the Stephanie Myer, Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins back lash? I'm not even sure if its possible. We may be fighting a battle we can never win.

But,I plan to try. The conclusion that I have came to  is that those of us who have problems with endings, or even beginnings and middles have these problems because our characters aren't alive. We need to flesh out our characters and build up their story arc to the point that they have a life of their own. Allow them to choose their own adventure. Allow them to get the ending to this part of their lives that they deserve. Do their story justice.

Now its time for me to put this Hypothesis to the test. Let the trial and error begin.

How do you end it all? Lets discuss bellow.

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